“Jesus, thank You for who You are. And thank You for remaining here with me. You’re awesome and good. Thank You that You never change. I believe You have plans for me and are watching over my path. Please guide me and keep me covered in You.” ~ October 13,2007

“Jesus, be in me and cause me to think and act in the consciousness of Your presence.” ~ February 18, 2007

“Draw me to You, Father. Please forgive my constant distractedness and my lack of a desire to get closer to You. Help me to not let my physical and mental fatigue be an excuse for slacking. Keep me strong. Thank You for Your Amazing Grace!” ~ February 21,2007

“Lord, thank You for Your many and faithful promises which flow from an abundant love. Thank You, Jesus, that because of You I am never alone. And thank You that I have freedom in You because of Your sacrifice.” ~ September 15,2007

“I believe we can rest assured that we are invulnerable so long as God does not give permission for us to be hurt. If He gives permission, He will not leave us alone. He goes with us through the valley, the deep water, the furnace. He will never, absolutely never, leave us or forsake us.” ~ Elisabeth Elliot, Keep a Quiet Heart

“Whatever thy grief or trouble be, take every drop in thy cup from the hand of Almighty God. He with whom ‘the hairs of thy head are numbered,’ knoweth every throb of thy brow, each hardly drawn breath, each shoot of pain, each beating of the fevered pulse, each sinking of the aching heart. Receive, then, what are trials to thee, not in the main only, but one by one, from His all-loving hands; thank His love for each; unite each with the sufferings of thy Redeemer; pray that He will thereby hallow them to thee. Thou wilt not know what He thereby will work in thee; yet, day by day, shalt thou receive the impress of the likeness of the ever-blessed Son, and in thee, too, while thou knowist not, God shall be glorified.” ~ E.B. Pusey as quoted in Keep a Quiet Heart

“[I]t is through the tender austerity of our very troubles that the Son of Man comes knocking. In every event He seeks an entrance to my heart, yes, even in my most helpless, futile, fruitless moments. The very cracks and empty crannies of my life, my perplexities and hurts and botched-up jobs, He wants to fill with Himself, His joy, His life. The more unsatisfactory my ‘performance,’ the more He calls me to share His yoke. I should know by now that mine makes me tired and overburdened. He urges me to learn of Him: ‘I am gentle and humble in heart.'” ~ Elisabeth Elliot, Keep a Quiet Heart

Psalm 105:4
Look to the LORD and his strength;
       seek his face always.