My pastor gave this list several weeks ago of things we should pray on behalf of President Obama:

  1. That he would have a dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ.
  2. That the Lord would guide him in all truth.
  3. That he would be a man of much prayer.
  4. That he would act in a biblical manner in every decision.


These may seem like impossible things to pray for, but when my pastor gave this list he cited the following verse:
The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases. ~ Proverbs 21:1

President Obama, whether he wishes it or not, is in God’s hands and under His control. God is more than capable of answering these prayers, if we would only be faithful in praying them. The final statement my pastor made about this (more as a reminder to make us think than with the intention of accusation) was that if we Christians are not willing to pray, then we are ultimately responsible for where this country ends up because we are the ones with access to the One who controls it all.

I personally was very encouraged by what he said, especially the scripture he mentioned. I hope by posting this here that others will be too.

Keep the faith!